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Object Info
Object The Keyhole Nebula and Homunculus around Eta Carina
Type Emission Nebula
Centered at: RA: 5h 46m 19s Dec: -02°22'18"
Constellation Carina
Size 200 light years
Distance 8000 light years
Age The brighter part of the Homunculus is from an event in 1843.
Image Field Approx 12 by 8 arcminutes
Notes Click here for external information about The Homunculus
Taken from: Tin Shed Observatory
Gold Coast, Queensland
Long - Lat = 153:23.54E - 27:56.8S
On: Ha - 12th March 2004, RGB - 26th march 2004

Image Info
Telescope Celestron C11 @ f17
Focal Length 4800 millimetres
Telescope guiding AO7 - Self Guided.
Telescope control Astrometric Sky Walker II
CCD camera SBIG ST-10xe
Camera cooling Regulated Thermoelectric
Camera pixels 2184 x 1472 x 6.8um
Image scale 0.3 arcseconds per pixel
Processed with: Mira A/P, Maxim DL, AIP4Win, CCDSharp, Photoshop
Exposure times Homunculus Hydrogen Alpha = 40 x 1 second exposures
Keyhole Hydrogen Alpha = 15 x 10-second exposures
Homunculus Colour R,G,B = 22 x 1-second images through each filter.
Keyhole Colour R,G,B = 14 x 30-second images through each filter.
Total exposure time for image = 10.6 minutes
Image Calibrations All raw images Dark Subtracted and Flat Fielded.