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Object Info
Object Name M16, The Eagle Nebula
Type Emission Nebula;
Location RA: 11h 12m 36.5s Dec: -60°50'32"
Constellation Serpens
Image Field 56 x 32 arcminutes
Object Notes
Taken from: Tin Shed Observatory
Gold Coast, Queensland
Long - Lat = 153:23.54E - 27:56.8S
When: 28th June, 1st, 3rd, 7th July 2007

Image Info
Telescope Intes MN61 - 6" f6 Maksutov-Newtonian
Focal Length 900 millimetres
Telescope guiding Internal Guiding
Telescope control Paramount ME
CCD camera SBIG ST-10xe
Camera cooling Regulated Thermoelectric
Camera pixels 2184 x 1472 x 6.8um
Image scale 1.5 arcseconds per pixel
Processed with: Maxim DL/CCD, Mira A/P, PixInsight Standard Beta, Photoshop
Exposure R:G:B = SII:Ha:OIII = 200:200:200 minutes
Image Calibrations All sub-images Dark Subtracted, Flat Fielded.
Image Notes: The colour in this image was created using the so-called "Hubble palette" popularised by images from the Hubble Space Telescope.
The colour mapping is Red = SII, Green=Ha, Blue = OIII. All filters are from Astrodon